If you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing a kidney stone, you know you will do pretty much anything to make that pain go away. I’ve heard of people mixing lemon juice with olive oil and drinking it in an attempt to expedite the passing of a stone. That, to me, is a level of desperation even I haven’t reached yet.
The problem is, I know my kidney stones are caused from all the coffee, tea, and soda I drink. So when I get a stone, like I did yesterday, I refrain from drinking my beloved coffee and opt for water. This is what happens when I don’t have coffee.
All day yesterday I had a headache. I was alternating Advil with Tylenol to try to ease the pain from my kidney stone, and even the combination of the medication couldn’t take away my headache. I became extremely irritable, which I suppose you could blame on the fact that I had an extremely sharp rock causing hundreds of tiny cuts and spasms as it moved from my kidney to my bladder, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I didn’t have coffee.I wasn’t just jumping down people’s throats, I was practically tearing their heads off. If there were a treatment center for people with coffee dependency, I could be their poster child. Hi, my name is Chrissy. I’ve been coffee-free for almost 24 hours. (Applause)
This morning, against my better judgment, I broke down and had my cup of sweet, delicious coffee. While I certainly don’t want to form another kidney stone, I know that I can’t make it another day without it, especially considering I have to go to the store today, and bake some cookies on top of my normal every day things like laundry, cooking, and so forth.
In conclusion, I came to the realization that I am an addict. If the threat of a kidney stone can’t make me give up coffee, then I’m not sure anything could. I wonder what the 12 steps for Coffee-holics Anonymous would be?
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