- Cleaning is not only futile, it's not as important as once thought.
- When asked the question, "Why?" never start your answer with, "Because..."
- Not only are the best things in life usually free, so are the best toys.
- Children never listen to you, until you say a curse word. Then they don't just hear you, they also assume you want to be repeated.
- DVDs should be included in the list of things to keep out of a child's reach, along with toilet paper, toothpaste, lotion, and hairspray.
- Children have an innate ability to dial a phone.
- Never put clean laundry where the child can get to it, unless you want to wash it again.
- Given the opportunity, a three-year-old will shave his younger brother's head.
- There is no such thing as a quiet trip to the grocery store.
- No matter how many times you repeat yourself, you'll always have to say it at least one more time.
Having children is the epitome of continuing education. Stayed tuned for more as this list continues to grow.
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