My oldest son is going to Pre-K this fall. Today we got to go meet his teacher, see the classroom, and meet some of the other kids that will be in his class. Let me give you a run down of what I deal with every day. Mind you, this all occured in one hour.
We arrive at the school and he gets a sticker with his name on it, then he tells everyone standing around us that he got a sticker. Next, we must wait for his teacher to come and get the group and lead them back to his classroom. He literally can not stand still. He's touching the plants, talking to other people, and looking out the windows. I think I should have named him inertia. The teacher's aide comes out and leads us back to the room. As we walk in he sees the blocks, the tables, the chairs, the chalkboard, the whiteboard and all he says is, "Whoa." He then proceeds to touch everything. He sits at a table that has small shapes in a box and starts building towers with them and telling me the yellow octagon is a sun. Then he gets distracted by another table that has blocks off all different shapes that you can put a string through...and the string is also in the box. He pulled out every ball and pulled the string through them. When the teacher asked him what he was doing he told her he made a necklace for her. She actually wore it too. Then it was story time. All the kids sat on the floor while the teacher read. He was hesitant to sit with the kids, but he warmed up and sat down. About every 2 minutes he would look at me, smile, and give me a thumbs up. After story time, she walked them around the classroom and showed them the different stations. He cried when she said they couldn't play on the computer. It was then time to see the rest of the school. While standing in line, he sneezed and launched unpleasant material onto my pants. I'm very glad I didn't wear shorts this morning, and also I'm very glad I still had a few baby wipes in my purse. While we walk around the school, he wants to see into every room we pass, and won't stop asking what things are. That concluded the end of our time at the school. When I told him it was time to go home and tell the teacher goodbye, he started crying and told me he wanted to stay and play. It's difficult to tell a four-year-old to wait 3 months and then he'll get to play. He hugged the teacher for about three minutes before he would finally let go, and walk with me to the car. When I buckled him in, he told me school was awesome and that he loved me.
The point of going through all of that was just to say, sometimes life can be crazy. Sometimes my children embarrass me, aggravate me, and annoy. But there are these little moments, when they say or do something so minute no one else probably even noticed, but they warmed my heart. Live for the small moments in life that give you pleasure, and try to forget about the boogie on your pants.
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