Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Please, Son, Just Five More Minutes

It's the worst time of day,
The alarm just went off.
I slide out of bed,
And gather my stuff.

The house is so dark,
I can't see the toy,
That I kicked down the hall.
I think it's destroyed.

The coffee is on,
The toast is in,
Oh crap, I think
It tripped the breaker again.

I got his lunch,
I think it's all packed.
A sandwhich, a fruit,
and maybe a snack.

I don't care if you wanted
Cheese you brat.
You'll eat what I gave you,
And that is that.

The bus will be here.
It's time to go wait.
Let's get out the door,
And hope we're not late.

Finally, the bus is here.
I love you, good bye,
Now go away.

Now what to do?
How am I bored?
I've cleaned, I've dusted,
and mopped the floor.

I'll just have to wait,
For school to get done.
Cause as loud as you are,
You make this house fun.

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