Last week in school, Caleb and his class were learning about music. One of those days, they made shakers with dried beans inside of them. He was very proud of his, since he made them and he also colored them his favorite colors.
Well, like most things in my house, the shakers didn't last very long. One of them broke open a few days ago and literally spilled the non-proverbial beans everywhere. We cleaned them up, but we have been finding random beans all over the place now. Usually Aj finds them and thinks of some way to annoy me with them, but there was one bean, one stupid little bean, that Aj didn't find...Caleb did.
For reasons unexplained to us, Caleb decided to put this one little bean up his nose. And I'm not talking he put it in his nose and was laughing and being silly, I'm pretty sure this kid snorted the bean up his nose. Upon shining a flashlight up there, we couldn't see it. So many things were going through my head at this point-like laughter-but I couldn't help but wonder if we were going to be able to get this thing out or if we would have to go to the hospital. And so we blow the nose. And blow. And blow. And it's not coming out. Crap.
Caleb is crying pretty hard at this point. It had to be uncomfortable at the least, and scary. While I was sitting and thinking of what I was going to do next, all he did was cough, and bean and blood came out of his nose and onto the tissue. Caleb went from crying hysterically to laughing hysterically in the amount of time it takes to shoot a bean out of your nose. Yeah, that's my kid.
So moms of little boys (and girls) take heart when your child does something like this. You're not alone.
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