Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Above All Else

There will be many times in our adult life that we are required to do things we don't want to do. We will deal with mediocre jobs because they pay the bills. We will suffer through all the tasks we are required to do in a day because they happen to be part of life. As much as we hate it, we do it, and for no other reason than we are supposed to.

A problem arises, however, when things other people require us to do interfere with being a parent. The question then becomes, "What in the world should I do?" The answer, simple as it is, isn't easy: your children come above all else. We give up things we love all the time for our children. For instance, there have been many times I wanted to go to a concert, or a sporting event, or a party, but couldn't because of the kids. Those are things I readily give up, knowing when I chose to have kids, it was my choice and would require me to give some things up. If we can give up things we want to do for our children, we should be able to give up things that would affect our parenting.

Not so long ago, I gave up a career in which I could be making good money so I could be home with my kids. I knew this job wouldn't allow me to call out if the kids were sick, and I would be away from them for over 12 hours a day three to four days a week. Many other people can do this, and it works out just fine. But for me, the thought of it was sickening, and I gave it up.

We all have to make tough decisions in our lifetime, but let's all make sure that we consider our children first and foremost, and I applaud those who do this successfully.

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely feel your sentiments and it's agreeable, but still hard. Love your posts, Chrissy!
