Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Little Stinkbug

Three years ago today, I received a phone call at five in the morning asking me if I wanted to have a baby that day. Because I was extremely uncomfortable, my response was, "Absolutely!" Over the river and through parts of Delaware we went to the hospital, and were in a room by seven AM. Almost as soon as I was in a gown, my doctor came in and broke my water. It wasn't long before the contractions I had been having for weeks got stronger and more painful. Epidural- please and thank you. For one reason or another, it took them three tries to get the needle in the right spot. I think the bruise it left was the exact size and shape of Texas. Anyway, by the time the anaesthesiologists were finished, I was eight centimeters dilated. How's that for progress? Enter doctor, who I thought was going to say, "OK, I'll check on you again in a little bit." Instead he says, "Awesome, let's get ready to push." Not what I was expecting to hear two hours after my arrival at the hospital. Twenty-five minutes after I started pushing, Arthur Jay made his grand entrance into the world! To this day, he is my little stinkbug! Mommy loves you!

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