Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Irritate Someone: By Caleb and AJ

When irritation is the goal, look no further. We have for you a foolproof plan. Simply follow the directions below and you're guaranteed to get the results you're looking for.

Step one: Wake up before it gets light out, preferably an hour before your mom has to wake up. This is enough time so that she thinks she will be able to go back to sleep. Little does she know...

Step two: Make up a story about hearing a scary beeping noise so you have an excuse to go in her room. This is key, because it has to be believable, other wise she will just yell and make you leave.

Step three: Once you've gained access to her room, ask every question you can think of. At this point, she will start getting irritated and tell you to go watch TV. Phase one complete. Enter phase two.

Step four: Wake up your little brother.

Step five: Yell at your little brother so he goes screaming and crying to mommy, who may or may not have started to fall asleep.

Step six: Repeat step five until her alarm actually goes off and it's time for her to get out of bed. She should be completely irritated at this point, leaving her stripped of energy and all motivation.

Don't worry Mom, it's Friday. That means while you're trying to sleep tomorrow morning, I can do it all over again.

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