Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Children: The Best Birth Control in the World

If you or someone you know is thinking about having children, have them read this before they very carefully make their decision.

Last night, I slept horribly. I was awake more than I was asleep, and the little sleep I got wasn't great quality. To sum up, I was very, very tired this morning. Aside from Caleb not wanting to eat breakfast before he went to school, I got him on the bus pretty much without incident. I come inside to a stark naked Aj. He had stripped off his pajamas and his diaper and was running around the house like that. As I put on a new diaper and some clothes, I told him that if he did it again, he would be punished. Can you guess what happened yet?

Not only did he strip down stark naked again, he also did it when he had to go potty. You would think with as smart as this kid is, he would grasp the concept of using the toilet, but no. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's funny when I'm angry. So I find an unused diaper on the floor, and a pile of poo next to a puddle of pee...on his bedroom floor. At this point, I haven't had coffee, and I'm already at my wit's end.

I think I'm going to go to local high school and have teenagers take my kids for a few hours. I can almost guarantee the teen pregnancy rate would drop dramatically.

Try not to have a crappy day.

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