Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, June 6, 2011

You Might Be a Parent If...

Unless you live under a rock, you have probably heard of Jeff Foxworthy's line of jokes titled, "You Might Be a Redneck." Well, I've decided there's some things that could tip you off to being a parent as well. I'd like to keep this list growing, so if you have any ideas please add them.

  1. If you've ever been peed, puked, and pooped on all at the same time, you might be a parent.
  2. If you've ever substituted your fingers for a tissue, you might be a parent.
  3. If you find yourself singing the Elmo's World theme song while you're alone, you might be a parent.
  4. If you consider a  nice dinner anything but hot dogs and macaroni and cheese, you might be a parent.
  5. You might be a parent if sleeping in means any uninterrupted sleep of more than five hours.
  6. If you've ever looked forward to going to the dentist just to get out of the house, you might be a parent.
  7. If you've ever wondered if that's chocolate or poo on your hand so you taste it, you might be a parent. (I'd like to go on record as saying that one is not one from personal experience.)
  8. You might be a parent if spit up is just another accessory to your outfit.
  9. If your form of a union break is popping in a Disney movie so you can walk away to do laundry, you might be a parent.
  10. If walking through your living room is more like an obstacle course due to all the toys, you might be a parent.
That's the list so far, let's keep adding and see how many we can get! Consider it your homework. :)

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