Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And I Die A Little Inside...

Every parent knows that a child enjoys,
Playing with all sorts of noisy toys.
However what parents don't always know,
Is the more annoying, the better the show.

Max and Ruby, where are your parents?
Your entire show doesn't make any sense.
I expect more from my child than just one word,
And a boy playing tea party is a little absurd.

Dora the Explorer, yeah, you did it alright.
Because of you, I have a serious plight.
You keep my child quiet and entertained,
But I have a headache, and I'm going insane.

Thomas makes me want to curl up and die,
Your antics are so pointless I want to cry.
Bubble Guppies, your jokes are so bad,
Your songs stink, the whole thing is just sad.

I could speak on more shows, I could whine all day long.
But Heaven forbid my kid doesn't see his show when it's on.

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