Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Curse of Genetics

All my life I've been fighting,
Fighting an unseen foe.
He makes me drop all sorts of things,
Hit my hands, and stub my toes.

I spent time in a cast when I was six,
Fell off of a slide at five.
Cuts, gashes, and bee stings, I mean really,
It's a miracle I survived.

Now I've gotten a little more careful,
And this foe now, Heaven forbid,
Has stopped attacking me,
And now he goes after my kids.

Three times in two weeks it's happened now,
A phone call or note from the nurse.
He's fallen down stairs, or off of the slide,
It seems I've passed on my curse.

Who knew I could pass this to my children,
Who knew clumsiness was a gene?
What I do know is if they're anything like me,
It will be amazing if they see fifteen.

God please help my poor children,
If it be your will.
Keep them away from injury and harm,
And keep from me the ER bill.

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