Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We go through the day, just making it through.
We've done all that we aspired to do.
We made our money, we've done our best.
We worked so much that we did not rest.

We get so caught up in this silly world,
We don't pause to realize how life has unfurled.
The whole time we worried about "important" things,
We failed to pay attention to our actual blessings.

Memories aren't made by working to death,
How can you live when you can't catch your breath?
You can control what your destiny will be,
You have the power to dictate your legacy.

Though our lives may be short, and gone in a flash,
We can still make memories that last.
After we're gone from this world for good,
Will we leave good things where we once stood?

Through all of these trials and all of the fuss,
Let's make sure we leave something to outlast us.

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