Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, May 20, 2011

How Tired is Too Tired?

Raise your hand if you're a parent and you're tired. So that's pretty much all of you? Yes, that's what I expected. Of course we're tired. Our kids wake up at stupid o'clock, keep us going non-stop all day, and wake us up in the middle of the night. Add school, grocery shopping, cleaning, work and everything else into the mix and it's amazing we are still standing. Any parent that is tired assumes they're supposed to be. And we are, to a certain extent.
A problem arises when we assume we're so tired because of the kids, when really it's a health issue that needs to be discussed with a health care professional. Just because you're a parent doesn't mean you need to let yourself go unchecked. Your health is just as important as your child's. Who would take care of them if you were so sick that you couldn't? Our co-pays and medical bills may stop us from getting things checked, but in the grand scheme of things, it's worth it to ensure our continued health, for your sake and your child's.
My advice is this: If you are more tired than normal, or if you are extremely tired and have other symptoms of sickness, call your doctor and make an appointment. You know your body better than anyone else. If you feel like something is wrong, you could be right.
Your children need you at full tilt, so make sure you stay that way.

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