Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, May 6, 2011

What A Girl Wants...For Mother's Day

I'll admit it. Women are difficult to understand. Trying to figure out what we really want can be frustrating. Well, here's a little hint as to what every woman wants for Mother's Day.

First and foremost, we want to know the things we do are appreciated. A simple "Thank You" along with a small gesture (i.e. flowers, candy, a card) can really go a long way. It's nice to know you're thinking of us.

This next one is going to sound terrible. The whole reason we became mothers was to raise our children and love them every day of our lives. However, we don't really ever get any time off. So for Mother's Day, we want to not be mothers. I know, we're always mothers, we always will be. But just for this day, we would like to not really have to do much. Take care of the kids, take them out to play so we have time to read a book, take a nap, or maybe even get an uninterupted shower. It's simple. It's free. It's great for a mother's spirit.

Every mother loves to receive gifts her children have made for her. It doesn't matter how horrible it actually looks. We know we didn't give birth to Da Vinci, but it's still nice to have our little one come up to us with a gift he's so proud of. Even a little flower he picked outside means the world to us. And guys, just for the record, dirty diapers do not count as "little presents". Ever.

So there's the basics. Obviously we aren't going to turn down a piece of jewelry or a new puppy. But these are the simple and mostly free things every guy can do that make our Mother's Day wonderful.

Moms, we are the most important (and underpaid) workers on the planet. We do an excellent job every day of our lives. Hopefully this day can renew our energy and keep us going another year! Happy Mother's Day!

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