Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Son: The Fisher

For weeks now, my son has been relentlessly bugging my husband and me about going fishing. The whole family fishes, so it's only natural he would want to as well. For one reason or another, we never seemed to be able to get him out there. Yesterday was a beautiful day for it. So my husband took him to a pond in the area with his little Spiderman fishing pole and showed him the ropes. It was a little while before he got any bites, but just then a large mouth bass came up and took his bait. My husband hooked it for him, then handed him the pole and he reeled it in. After that, it was game on! He ended up catching a perch and a few turtles after that. The perch he hooked and reeled in all by himself. He was so excited and so proud of himself! Needless to say, he's hooked!

One up side to my son wanting to fish is this. Fishing teaches concentration, focus and patience. All of which little boys need to learn. Secondly, it gave him one on one time with his father. These are the times memories are made of. These are the days that my son is one day going to look back on and smile, and wish he could have these days back.

Life can be busy. I challenge every parent to gauge what is really important. Yes, the lawn needs to be mowed today, but what a beautiful day to make some memories with my kid. The lawn will be waiting tomorrow. Leaving good memories for our children is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.

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