Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Terrible Two's, Three's, Four's...

Everyone always talks about the terrible two's. The screaming, the temper tantrums, the disobedience- no doubt they are challenging for parents. What no one warns new parents about is that after the terrible two's, it doesn't really get any better, it just changes. Instead of fits, it's destruction. Instead of screaming, it's incessant talking. Instead of disobedience, it's disobedience. OK, well somethings don't change.

From birth on our children come with their own set of challenges for parents, and no troubleshooting guide. Each time our child hits a new milestone, and new set of challenges arises requiring parents to change their routine and discipline habits. Every situation and every child requires a new way of handling it. Some children respond well to time-outs, while other children respond to having their toys or a privilege taken away. Parents need to figure out what works for that child in that given situation. This task can be quite daunting as parents have to play the guessing game as to what their child needs.

Don't lose heart. As frustrating as it can be, if you keep working toward your goal it can be quite rewarding. The only thing constant in life is change. We can pull ourselves out to the sidelines and say, "I give up. Let the cards fall where they may." Or we can roll with the punches and take it one day at a time. Some days will be better than others, but remember the goal at hand: watching your child grow up to be a responsible and respectful adult.

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