Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, May 16, 2011

This House is Not a Zoo

The other day, I was a little tired and was comparing my house to a zoo all day. Then I decided that I needed to think positively. I decided to write down reasons that my house is NOT a zoo, and here is what I came up with:
  1. A zoo is more organized.
  2. Feeding time at a zoo is less chaotic.
  3. When the animals get fed, they don't complain.
  4. Zookeepers get paid to deal with crap.
  5. A zoo is quieter.
Ok, so I think I missed the point of the exercise. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes things at home can get pretty hectic, just like they can at a regular job. If we had a career, and we had a bad day at work, how would we deal with it when we got home? Run a bath? Drink a glass of wine and read a book? Watch adult cartoons into the wee hours of the morning? Even though we don't have a "career" maybe when we have a chaotic day, we can give ourselves the same treatment as if we did. Give yourself a little "me" time and relax. And also try to do what I failed to do, think positive.

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