Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Kids: The Cat Whisperers

All too common today is people dropping off unwanted pets on any random road and figuring they'll do just fine. Unfortunately, that happened to my mother-in-law, who now has a large grey and white, green-eyed tom cat that won't leave her yard. Most people would feel bad for the cat, take it in, feed it, and give it a home. Well first of all, she's not exactly a cat person. Second of all, it wouldn't let one of my nieces in the house. It hissed and growled and backed her off the front porch. Twice. None of my nieces can or will go any where near this thing. He's....grumpy.

Yesterday we were over for our weekly family dinner. I took the kids outside to play in the kiddy pool, and noticed the cat was under the glider on the porch. I didn't pet it or anything, but I pointed it out to Caleb and he pointed it out to Aj, and together they walked over to the cat. This cat, which I think I'll name "Monster" (for a few reasons), gets up from his place of rest, greets my two children, and starts soaking up all the attention he can get. Aj grabbed his tail and stepped on his tail, and this cat did nothing but rub up against their legs.

As little boys do, they started to get a little rough with poor Monster. I went over to break it up, and told them to be on their way. I pet him for a minute or two, then when back to supervising the children. He followed me and the boys around the rest of the time we were outside. When we went inside, he jumped on the railing and scaled the window sills along the porch to see what we were doing inside, the whole time whining with a low pitched meow. I'm not sure, but I think it likes us.

So either this cat is bi-polar, or my children just have a way with crazy animals.

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