Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It Takes Forever To Do Nothing

So for the past few hours I have been attempting to do two things: make myself look presentable, and write this blog. Making myself look presentable usually doesn't too long, maybe about 10-15 minutes. The blog doesn't usually take long either, but today my kids will not stop interrupting me long enough to get anything done. I didn't even get a cup of coffee until about 10:30. If it's not Caleb needing a drink, it's Aj's diaper change or the phone ringing. So here's what I've accomplished all day: I look presentable enough, and if you're reading this, I assume my blog is finished. I have not made the iced tea that's been sitting since last night. I have not gotten to go outside today. I haven't unloaded the dishwasher, I haven't gotten Aj out of his pajamas. So, today it's a short blog, because it's all I can get done today. In conclusion, when you have kids, it takes forever to do nothing.

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