Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yesterday, I had to go pick up a few things from the grocery store. My husband just happened to be home, so I asked him if he was going to be around if he could keep one of the kids while I went. Well Caleb ended up wanting to go to the store. We finished getting ready and got in the car. On the way there, he was telling me what shapes all the clouds looked like. He told me one looked like ice cream, one was a stinky shoe, and one looked like a gun. Also on the way to the store, he heard me singing along with my music and said he wanted to sing. So I turned the music down and let him go, and all I got was, "Batman!!!" It made me laugh so hard I almost had to pull over, and of course since he saw me laughing, he kept doing it.

Once in the store, it was the usual: walk around getting my things while he talks to anyone and everyone about anything and everything. A lady who had previously been at the deli counter and had a free sample of cheese, decided to share it with him because he was so cute. The lady at the register gave him two extra stickers because he was so polite and told me he was the nicest little boy to ever come through her line.

Sounds a little different than our normal excursions, doesn't it? The beauty of one-on-one time is it is less stressful on the parent to only worry about one child. It's also beneficial to the child since they have the parents full attention. It's a win-win situation.

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