Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Power of Daddy

There have been multiple times in my career as a mother that I haven't been able to get the kids to do what I want them to do. I've yelled, I've cried, I've asked a million times, I've even said please. Some days they just don't want to budge. That's when I pull out my secret weapon.

This past weekend, we were at a friend's house for a barbecue. We were planning on staying late, so we decided to put the kids to sleep there. We've done it before, so we figured it wouldn't be a big deal. As bed time approached, I could see Aj was doing the "I'm going to fall asleep if I don't keep moving" thing. I figured I'd just put him to bed a few minutes early, then I'd get Caleb. Upon putting Aj in the port-a-crib, I discovered this wasn't going to work the way I thought it would. He immediately started screaming, didn't want to take his precious blankey or a cup of milk. He just wanted out. I stood outside the door, and every time he got out, I'd put him back in and tell him to stay in bed and go to no avail. For 15 minutes I stood there, doing the dance over and over again and becoming severely frustrated. At that point, my husband brought Caleb in so I could get him ready and we switched places. I got Caleb in his jammies, he said good night and we headed to bed. He wasn't happy, but he didn't put up too much of a fight. Caleb says his prayers, and I say good night and walk out of the room. My husband says good night to both of them, and tells Aj to stay in bed and go to sleep, then shuts the door. Nothing but silence came out of the room. No crying, no whining, no getting out of bed. They listened.

At the time I had to act like I was offended that they listen to him and not me. But in all honesty, I'm so lucky to have a husband that will step in a take care of things, and children who will listen to him. Not everyone is so lucky, but I'm thankful that I am.

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