Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Four C's of Parenting

When shopping for a diamond, your guideline is the four c's. This helpful little tool ensures you get a good diamond. One thats worth your money. Well I've come up with four c's for parenting to ensure you get a good kid.

  1. Clarity- You know what the rules are. They know what the rules are. The rules are written and in a place where the child can see them. This ensures that the child always knows where you stand and there's no surprises.
  2. Consistency- If they break a rule, make sure it's the same punishment, for all the kids every time. Likewise, if they consistently follow a rule, make sure they're praised for it every time. This encourages the child to continue to follow that rule, and it makes them feel accomplished.
  3. Communication- This is a two-part rule. You want to communicate with your significant other or the child's parent and make sure everyone is on the same page about the rules and punishments. You also want to communicate with the child and ensure they understand why the rules are what they are. If they understand why, they might be more likely to follow them.
  4. Compassion- Frustration can really take hold when a child consistently pushes your buttons and breaks the rules. But we as parents cannot let our frustration dictate how we handle our kids. Try to understand why they broke the rule, or why they are hyper and rambunctious. If we understand, we can steer them accordingly. Punishment is still a must, but we must be willing to try to understand their point of view.
My pastor once said, "Punishment is hard. Discipline is not." Hopefully these guidelines can be used for proper discipline as opposed to everyday punishments over the same things, which can be frustrating for you and your child.

Good luck, and God speed.

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