Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Have you ever had a moment when your children have left you speechless? I'm talking physically unable to form a sentence because you have NO clue what to say? I had one of those moments Friday afternoon. I had the rare treat of taking only one of my kids grocery shopping. Now, shopping with my four year old is somewhere between taking a bull into a china shop and a monkey into a banana store. This kid touches everything and talks to everyone. He tells them his name, why we're there, his brothers name, and then asks them their favorite color. To understate it, he's friendly. On this occasion, there was an older lady at the opposite end of the isle from us, and by older I mean she cried when the dinosaurs died. He walks right up to her, and being the polite child that I thought I had taught him to be, says, "Excuse me!" She turns around, her eyes light up, and in her frail voice replies, "Well hello sweetheart! How are you today?" What he said next, I suppose I should have been expecting, but I wasn't. He looks right at her and with every ounce of sweet he has in his body says, "You're in our way." What do you say to that?! As graciously as I could I admonished him and apologized to her. Luckily for me, she was gracious and understanding. She must have had a four year old before. Add this to the list of things no one ever teaches you how to deal with.

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