Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Things You'll Only Do For Your Kids

I was thinking over this weekend, there's a lot of things I do for my kids that I wouldn't do for anyone else. Here's just a few things I've thought of:

  1. Endure 10 months of misery only to have it end in a completely humiliating and undignified way. The only other time you'd do this, is if you're in a bad marriage.
  2. Watch annoying shows on TV all day long. The only other way you'd do this is.........if you're in a bad marriage.
  3. Pull over while driving so they can pee. I hope no matter how bad your marriage is that your spouse can hold it until they get home.
  4. Register them for school. I know this one sounds silly, but if it weren't for my kids I would never want to deal with this process. It's ridiculous!
  5. Give up your life. I don't mean die for your children, I mean give up your life. It's difficult to get out and have a life of your own after you have kids. But it's totally worth it.
If there's any you'd like to add to the list, feel free to comment. Happy Monday!!

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