Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys

The food was pulled out of the pantry,
The juice was spilled on the floor.
The toys have all been torn out of their box,
And the clothes pulled out of their drawers.

The TV is blaring the shows I can't stand,
Because my child wouldn't stop sulking.
I suffer through the worst of the worst,
In an effort to make him stop talking.

Pick up your little trains off the floor,
No, I really don't want to play.
What I want to you to do is sit on your butt,
And let me have a good day.

Today is one of those days I guess,
When nothing really goes well.
I don't want to keep repeating myself,
And I certainly don't want to yell.

But I know I'm going to have to yell,
I'm going to trip over toys.
I'm going to be pushed to my limits because,
I'm the mother of two little boys.

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