Me and My Boys!

Me and My Boys!

Friday, October 28, 2011

With Eyes Like A Child

If I asked you to describe the world in one word, what would you say? Dull? Boring? Busy? That is because we see things on a grand scale. We see how one thing in the world can affect us all. We see how boring it is to do the same thing every day, and the futility of life. That is why my children never cease to amaze me.

They see a leaf fall from a tree and it's entertainment until it blows out of sight. They spot an airplane in the sky at night, and Caleb dreams of flying. A simple trip to the store can be an adventure. Every child sees every moment separately. When that leaf falls, they don't care that the wind is blowing. They just want to watch the leaf. They don't care that people are protesting, that Congress is fighting amongst themselves, that the lower half of our house is still torn apart because of flood damage. They live in this moment, and nothing matters except what they see and dream.

When a child dreams about something, they don't sit and think about why it will never work. They just dream about going to space, or driving a race car, or being a super hero. They can't see the thousand reasons why it will most likely never happen, and they don't want to. They just dream. There is a lot going on in our lives today. But we have the opportunity, if only for a little while, to see the world through a child's eyes. Dream about what you want to without caring about the details. Look at everything as though you had never seen it before. Allow your self to be amazed at something small. We may not be able to do it all the time, but perhaps, just for a few minutes, we can let ourselves view the world in a happier way.

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